As ever, I guess its all about what you want (aims/requirements/circumstances). My favourite gym is the B.Beacons (lifetime membership currently free). The roof leaks badly at times though and the treadmills are well dodgy...
I was a member of the Village for the best part of a decade because of the (goodish) swimming pool, very friendly running club (this is how I started running..) and (initialy at least) relatively well equipped gym. But I left, rejoined, left, rejoined and recently left again due to the high cost (£55pm?) and poor state of some of the facilities (old and poorly maintained - a bit like me really..). Hope they get it sorted one day - other Village Gyms around the UK in much better condition. But I do miss the pool. And the Village Vipers RC are a fine bunch..
So I joined EasyGym at the start of 2013 and am a big fan. A bargain (£16 pm), next to my work, lots of shiny Concept 2 rowing machines (my favourite toy), an excellent weights section (empty and roid-head free in the morning), open very long hours and free parking in the Capital Shopping Centre (for those rare days when I actually get to drive the car..)
My youngest (who goes there lots + friends) loves it. And the staff are a very cheery bunch. Its a bit of a bear pit some nights of the week, especially Friday when the base-heavy D&B, techno/dance, Disclosure 'music' (?) kicks-in and drives me a little Victor Meldew-ish. I'm ~30 years older than the average member so asking them to 'turn it down' might look bad.
Luckily I'm partially deaf..
And there's always the B.Beacons the morning after..
Edited by user 08 November 2013 19:30:56(UTC)
| Reason: can't spell, can't write, can't run...