I say Evatt....
Claire, Claire, Claire..... how could I...? Someone, who has provided a home, sustenance, comfort and emergency health care to our slumbering giant .... Norman that is. Congratulations Claire on your first place in the 3000m. I also forgot to mention a potential new member who attended Brecon - Giorgiana.
Results from the evening are now on the Welsh Masters' website (under events).
WMAA Results Brecon June 2016Realistically, we're a club that has a strong tradition of road running/cross country but it has diversified to include off road, fell running, track and field, orienteering, duathlon ..... and I'm sure Claire will confirm, many more activities. Mel James is a regular in the Welsh sprint team along with other track and field athletes - Evatt, Eirian, Claire ..... Mal Farnham (javelin). In fact, you only have to speak to our more experienced club members to confirm that track and field used to be a significant part of the summer programme of events.
We all have different strengths and weaknesses and some members may not be aware of their full range of talents. Why not give it a try at Newport on the 6th July (another opportunity to run 3000m on the track)?
WMAA T&F Fixtures 2016The Welsh Masters' Championship will be held at Brecon on the 3rd July, 2016.
100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m,
5000m, 3000m, Run 3000m, Walk, Sprint Hurdles, Long Hurdles,
Triple Jump, Long Jump, Pole Vault, High Jump,
Shot, Discus, Hammer, Javelin, Weight, Pentathlon
WMAA Welsh Championships 2016 Entry Form and EventsThis also comes with a health warning - just like any new activity, it can be a source of injury to the unwary. However, come along and give it a try. In order to gain points for the club teams you must be a member of the Welsh Masters. Non - members can compete as guests.
WMAA Membership Form 2016Edited by user 11 June 2016 17:15:13(UTC)
| Reason: Increased detail